Tuesday 29 September 2009

Its Halloween so remember kids...

So we got halloween coming up soon, you know, its one of those made up holidays for kids and pedophiles.....anyway so we will be getting the annual dose of crap costumes and remakes of evener crapper films....now as a kid i never really went trick or treating, partly due to over protective parents but i also didnt really like it....you see i always thought trick or treating was the like model answer of what you shouldnt do as a kid....dont speak to strangers, dont take sweets of strangers, dont go knocking on peoples doors.....and i never really got the whole trick or treat aspect, you only ever got sweets, what was the trick? you just get kicked in the bollocks? and whats with pumpkins, i always just guessed at the festival commitee santa was sitting there like, "look mate, halloween, sounds a bit shit ok, you need to give it a bit of an edge" so the guy was like (i dont really know who the halloween figure head is...the devil? oprah?) "erm, erm well iv got a pumpkin....and maybe it could have erm a face"......it just always came across like a weird thing to have, anyway enjoy halloween, and stay away from MY HOUSE!

new to the blogging world...

Hi, i um dont really know what to do here, if someone could tell me what the crack is that would be lovely....im guessing its just you put down your thoughts or ideas i dunno.....i mean iv done twitter and facebook and thats all good but i dunno about blogging....i will try to make you laugh anyway....i keep saying you i dont even know who im talking to here....its like having a conversation with myself.....am i schizophrenic?.....kinda fun in a way....so how are you george, im good thanks george, you got that rash.......ok we'll leave it there